Advice Free Stuff Things to Do

How to Learn Salsa for Free

Learning a new hobby is fun but can get expensive if you already have a few other hobbies. I recommend dancing as an option that does not hurt your wallet.

Some partner dancing requires lessons that are $15 per one-hour class or $10 for a beginner thirty-minute lesson with a dance social afterward. One type of partner dancing, salsa, is a relatively inexpensive hobby because of its popularity.

Benefits of Learning Salsa

  • Improved Confidence
  • Improved Cognitive Function by Learning a New Skill
  • Improved Dancing at Weddings
  • Develop More Rhythm
  • Lose Weight & Promotes an Active Lifestyle
  • Improve Your Dating Life
  • Make New Friends
  • Community Involvement
  • Better Weekend Plans
  • Better Sex


Tips for Learning Salsa

Find Free Classes

The best and most affordable way to learn salsa is researching free classes near you.

Are you a College Student?

Visit your student activities center to see if they offer salsa (or any other type of dance) classes. Having a background in another type of dancing is useful for salsa, too!

Graduated from College?

Ethical Option

  • Ask your circle of friends, dance community or general dance Facebook group for free classes around the area.
  • Use the search box in Eventbrite or Facebook Events to find free classes. Most cities have free social dancing outdoors during the warmer months that include a free lesson before to promote dancing in the community as well as the instructors’ weekly classes.

Less-Ethical Option
Pretend you’re a student and attend these local college dance classes: they won’t know the difference.

Month-Long Classes

Invest $60-100 in a month-long beginner class (around $12-15 per class). This creates accountability and helps you develop a good habit of telling your friends “Sorry, I can’t hang out after work, I have salsa class on Tuesday.” This is relatively inexpensive compared to $15-20 for yoga drop-in classes.

Your friends will understand and hopefully be intrigued to learn a new skill themselves!

YouTube Videos

YouTube is an excellent resource to learn new techniques and partner dancing moves to use at social dances. However, in-person lessons are more practical to learn the fundamentals and build confidence.

My Favorite Salsa Lesson Video: Salsa Dancing Walk-Through – 36 Movements

Dance With Friends

Whenever Louis Fonsi’s song “Despecito” comes on at the bar, grab a friend and practice what you learned in class or on YouTube.

Hope you got a lot out of this article! Start learning salsa and share this page with your friends to get them inspired, too!

Read my other post, How to Survive a Dance Social, for more advice about partner dancing!

Fitness Free Stuff

50+ Free Weekly Running Clubs in Boston

Whether you are new to Boston, Cambridge, Somerville and want to make new friends, looking to find a running partner or training for your next race, Boston is a top city for running clubs.

Since we all have unpredictable schedules, I spent some time organizing the running clubs by day.  (Updated December 2018)


November Project | 6:30AM | Location Varies

Boston Road Runners (3-5miles) | 5:45PM | Copley Square
Lulu Lemon Run Club | 6:00PM | Prudential Center
Pioneers Run Crew | 6:30PM | Dorchester, Blarney Store | Fields Corner Red Line T-Stop
Stephani’s Run Club | 6:30PM | Southie
New England Spahtens (Obstacle Course Race Training) | 6:30PM | Harvard Stadium or Indoor Track
Burren 5K Run | 6:45PM | Davis Square, Somerville
Forest Hill Runners (Social Run) | 7:00PM | Stony Brook T Stop | Jamaica Plain/Roxbury


The Breakfast Club | 6:00AM | Audubon Bar (Occasionally Changes)
Nike Run Club/Heartbreak Hill Running Co. (Indoor Track) | 6:35AM | Reggie Lewis Track (Roxbury)

New Balance/Stephanie’s on Newbury Run Club (3-5 miles) | 6:00PM-8:00PM | 190 Newbury Street
Uncommon Movement (Bootcamp) | 6:30PM | Boston Common
Adidas RunBase | 6:00PM | Adidas Store Near Hynes
Lulu Lemon Run Club (Speed Workout) | 6:00PM | Seaport | Speed
The Most Informal Running Club (Outdoor Track) | 6:30PM | Harvard Stadium
Tracksmith (Speedwork) | 6:30PM | 285 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
She Runs Boston (formally Team LUNA Chix) (3-4 miles) | 6:30PM | 92 Newbury St, Athleta
Social Boston Sports Run Club (3-7miles) | 6:30 – 8:30PM | LIR (903 Boylston Street)
Unnamed Running Crew | 6:30PM | Southie
Davis Square Road Runners (4-6 miles) | 7:00PM | Davis Square, Somerville
Forest Hill Runners (Tempo Run) | 7:00PM | Stony Brook T Stop | JP/Roxbury
Midnight Runners (6mi + Bootcamp) | 7:00PM-9:15 | Scholars Bar (Downtown Crossing)
Kier Byrnes Freedom Runners (3-8 miles) | 7:15PM | Near Lechmere T Stop, East Somerville
RunFellow (3-5miles) | 7:30PM | Cambridge/Somerville Area


November Project | 5:30AM–6:20AM OR 6:30AM-7:20AM | Harvard Stadium

MyStryde (3-4 miles) | 6:30 – 7:30PM | North End
Lululemon Harvard SQ (3-5 Miles) | 6:30PM-7:30PM | Havard Square
Marathon Sports Cambridge | 6:30PM – 7:15PM | Between Harvard/Porter
Marathon Sports (3-5miles) | 6:30PM | Near Boston Marathon Finish Line
Brighton Bangers (2-8miles) | 7:00PM | Oak Square, Brighton, MA
Forest Hill Runners | 7:00PM | Stony Brook T Stop | JP/Roxbury
Heartbreak Hill Running Club (Hill Club) | 7:00PM – 8:15PM | Heartbreak Hill, Newton, MA
Boston Run + Chug (4 miles) | 7:00PM | Location Varies


Breakfast Club (1-6miles) | 6:00AM | Café Nero, Brookline
Longfellows x Janji Running Club (3-6miles) | 7:00AM | Longfellows/Lamplighter Brewery (Cambridge)
Lulu Lemon Run Club (Hills) | 6:30AM |Beacon Hill

Uncommon Movement (FREE Bootcamp) | 6:30PM | Boston Common (Soldiers & Sailors Monument)
South End Athletic Company (Speed Workout) | 6:30PM – 8:30PM | South End
Adidas RunBase | 6:30PM | Adidas Store Near Hynes
Davis Square Road Runners (4-6mi) | 7:00PM | Davis Square, Somerville
Forest Hill Runners (Track) | 7:00PM | Stony Brook T Stop | JP/Roxbury
Somerville Road Runners (4miles) | 7:15PM | Ball Square/Winter Hill, Somerville
RunFellow (3-5miles) | 7:30PM | Downtown Boston


November Project | 6:30AM – 7:15AM | Top of Summit Ave, Brookline


Boston Road Runners (5-16miles) | 7:45AM | Copley Square
JP Park Run (Fun 5K)| 8:45AM | 42°19’12.8″N 71°07’06.7″W (JP Pond) | Jamaica Plain
Forest Hill Runners | 9:00AM | Stony Brook T Stop | JP/Roxbury
Juice Press | 9:00AM- 12:00PM | 33 Boylston St, Chestnut Hill
Heartbreak Hill Running Club (Long Run) | 9:00AM | Heartbreak Hill, Newton
Brighton Bangers | 9:30AM | Oak Square, Brighton, MA
South End Athletic Company (Long Run) | 10:00AM | South End
Boston Bulldogs Running Club | 10:00AM | Chestnut Hill Reservoir (Outside Starbucks)
The Most Informal Running Club (Long Fun Run) | 10:00AM | Landrys in Allston
Cambridge Sports Union (2.5-5miles) | 10:00AM | Fresh Pond (Cambridge Near Alewife T)


Adidas RunBase (Long Run 6-18mi) | 9:00AM | Adidas Store Near Hynes Convention Center
Tracksmith (Long Run 5-12 Miles) | 9:00AM | 285 Newbury Street, Boston, MA
Boston Brunch Runners (Run 1-6mi& Brunch) | 9:30AM | Location Varies
Kier Byrnes Freedom Runners (Long Run ) | 10:00AM | Somerville Brewing Company, 15 Ward Street in Somerville

Trail Tribe (4-9 miles; Trail Running) | 10:00AM | Location Varies

Weekly Running Group Organizers: Please let me know if I missed your running club in the comments!! I’ll update the post.

Other methods of getting free workouts in Boston

  • Take advantage of your health insurance program by joining a gym. Gym reimbursement varies by plan but the majority should reimburse you for three monthly payments. (Note: You’re on your own for any activation/cancellation fees.) Join a gym in the winter New England months and get outside in April!
  • Facebook Events: Use Facebook as search engine and search ‘fitness’ in the search bar and filter by ‘events’ or use Facebook’s Events section in the left-navigation.
  • Eventbrite is another “search engine” that allows for filtering of free activities/events.
  • Visit and browse for FREE classes or Google site: “Free” to search the entire site for free classes.

Read my latest blog post, How to Save Money on Running and Working Out.

These running clubs also make great, active date ideas!

Advice Fitness Free Stuff

How to Save Money on Running and Working Out

Working out is an expensive hobby; each hobby you add will create new costs. These expensive, active hobbies vary from triathlons to CrossFit to cycling to road running. An argument can be made that running is one of the least expensive of the active hobbies.

I compiled this list of ways to save money because it can still be expensive to buy a new pair of shoes ($60-$130) after 300-500 miles (recommended) or the latest moisture-wicking shirt at Nike or New Balance.

Saving on Workout Clothes in Real Life

  • Visit your local running club during shoe “Demo Nights” and buy them online once you get home.
  • Volunteer for local road races and earn a free race entry.
  • Win local road races and make your money back in prize money.
  • Do not buy name-brand workout: Shop at Target. Have a good few pieces that you think you will look good in, and for the rest, buy any moister-wicking piece.
  • Become an ambassador for a small running group.
  • Make friends with people who work at running stores or lifestyle companies and get discounts.
  • Visit your local Goodwill or thrift store for slightly used workout clothes.
  • Fundraisers: During Marathon season, there is a lot of fundraisers for yoga and cycling and other gym group classes.
  • Download Workout Apps: Visit your phone’s app store and search for Sworkit — it’s a free video app that creates a workout based on the time you have available.
  • Become a beta tester for a new running shoe company.
  • Track your mileage via Strava, MapMyRun or another tracking app to get a better understanding of when to buy shoes. Buy shoes when you hit 300-500 miles in a pair or when you start noticing holes.
    • Do not walk in your running shoes.
  • Gym Memberships
    • Get a gym membership during off-peak times or before New Years to get a reduced sign up fees and monthly rate.
    • Negotiate with your gym for a monthly discount; show them competitor prices and see if they will match!
    • Boutique fitness studios are expensive. Sign up for their monthly deals or free promotional classes.


Shopping Online for Workout Clothing 

  • Download Amazon plugins to get price comparison and alerts on shoe prices across the web.
  • Shop at nearby outlet stores.
  • Visit and select your desired shoes.
  • Search for your workout shoe on Google and use the paid listings to compare shoe prices. Visit Google Shopping for additional insights on shoe prices.

Running is also a great, active date idea!

Let me know if you have other recommendations in the comments section!

Advice Fitness Things to Do

Buying Your First Road Bike

How to Buy an Entry-Level Road Bike

Having recently entered the world of recreational biking I thought I would share tips to help you buy your first road bike and get into the sport of road cycling.


Don’t make the mistake of googling ‘best bikes under _____.’ You will get an understanding of the type of brands, however, it can get overwhelming with the more obscure European brands that are less likely at your LBS or too expensive to import.
Pro Tip: Visit your local bike store with trusted salesmen and bike-lovers.

Test Ride A LOT of Bikes at Your Local Bike Store

You don’t know how a bike is going to feel on the road until you ride it. You could have a more pleasurable riding experience on a $500 bike than a $1,000 bicycle. Remember to ask a salesperson to analyze your riding position before you test ride a bike.
Most local bike shops have quality entry-level prices under $700. Bike stores sell popular, quality bikes to build shop loyalty and make revenue from repairing their customer’s bikes. Also, there’s not much difference between brands: the components are standard in entry-level bikes.


You’ll probably Google “affordable bikes [year]’ in your initial search but most of what you will see are bikes you can ONLY buy online. They may be cheaper but you need to understand you’re going to need a LBS to assemble and tune-it-up it for you (around $80 in major cities).
Pro Tip: If you buy a bike online, I HIGHLY recommended you get a bike store to assemble it–you don’t want anything to go wrong while riding at 20 MPH because you forgot to tighten a bolt.

Shop Craigslist

If you can wait a few weeks (or months) for your road bike, Craigslist is a great website to find a deal. Your success on Craigslist depends on your geographical area; you’ll find more bike postings if you live in a major city.
If you have any friends who have experience with bicycles, ask them to check out the Craigslist posting with you. You are the one who ultimately determines how your body feels on the bike but they can ensure that your body is in the right position (saddle height) and inspect for any damages to the frame/spokes.
Pro Tip: Save time shopping for bikes on Craigslist by making an account and setting up a saved search with filters or set an alert on the Craigslist mobile app so you can respond fast to postings.

Find out if you’re getting a deal 

So…you fell in love with a bike during a test ride. Don’t buy it that day and look at your options online. Most local bike stores have online websites with prices of their bikes, which gives you the opportunity to shop around competitor websites.
Bike shops tend to match their local competitors if you have some form of proof (e.g., photo or website price) but there is no guarantee they will match bike wholesale website prices!
Pro Tip: Early spring is usually when bikes stores like to mark down previous year model and display the new models for the spring..

Watch YouTube Reviews

When you whittle-down your bike choice, I recommend you search on Google and YouTube for [prospective bike] + review, to uncover red flags from reviewers.

Editors Note: I bought a Trek 1.1 for about $100 less than the online price at a local bike store (spring sale)


Favorite Tweets From #SearchLove (Day 1)

The POWER of Google Tag Manager

Formula for PR Success

When Link Building the Not the Only SEO Strategy

The Benefits of Mobile Apps for Websites

Making Your Mobile Site Faster

Rand Fishkin’s Presentation


How to Check for 404 Errors (The Right Way)

What is a 404 Error?

A 404 error is a page on your website that is no longer on your server: it has been removed or not properly redirected when you made a change in your content management system (CMS).

Regularly resolving your sites 404 errors is a signal to Google that you are maintaining a healthy website and keeping your visitors happy by preventing them from landing on a broken page as well as helping Google from unecessarily crawling a page.

Below are some tools and tricks to effectively find and resolve 404 error pages.


Google Webmaster Tools (a.k.a. Search Console) is a resource Google provides for web developers to monitor for any website issues and have some control over how their sites appear in Google’s search results. Assuming your GWT is verified, Login> Select your Domain> Select Crawl on the Left Sidebar > Crawl Errors> Select ‘404 Errors’> Select Download to export as Excel/CSV file.


Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider is the BEST tool to crawl your website for 404 errors—period. Enter your website in the search box, get-up and grab a snack, and your crawl should be ready to export. You can crawl up to 500 URLs with the free version of Screaming Frog; the paid version allows you to crawl your entire website (500+ URLs).


We’ve highlighted (below) instructions on gathering and exporting your 404 error pages from Screaming Frog.

YOAST SEO WORDPRESS (Free and Paid Version)

If your entire site or blog is hosted on WordPress, Yoast SEO (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast) is a must download to help configure your pages for SEO success. This plugin allows you to edit your URLs, meta data, XML Sitemaps, as well as monitor for 404 errors via integration with Google Webmaster Tools.


Action: If you have Yoast Premium ($69/year for one site), download the Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin on and add the file to your directory or visit Plugins > Add New > Search for ‘Yoast’ in the left side-bar of your WordPress home screen. CRI has provided instructions to find your website’s 404 errors using Yoast SEO.


You will encounter a number of ugly strings from your exports that are not files or directories (e.g., % for searches, ?strings and fonts?family) in your content management system. Use filtering techniques in Excel to delete the ugly URL strings.


Highlight the two columns (URL and Error Code)> Visit ‘Data’ on the top navigation> Select ‘Remove Duplicates’.



Since Google Webmaster Tools gathers 404 errors from an extended period of time, you may encounter old 404 errors that have already been automatically resolved by Google or was a completed technical support ticket.

Action: After combining your Google Webmaster Tools and Screaming Frog 404 Errors (and removing duplicates), download our favorite tool, SEO TOOLS FOR EXCEL and install it as an Excel add-on.

Instructions for Validating 404s with SEO Tools for Excel

Validating 404s with SEO Tools for Excel


If you have a large site with hundreds of 404 errors, the best option is to prioritize your efforts using traffic from Google Analytics (or your preferred web analytics platform). Google’s algorithm will resolve the majority of your 404 errors over time; however, you want control over where Google will redirect a visitor.

Action: Gather all 404 Errors using the steps above> Pull ALL traffic data for a pre-determined period of time> Use the excel function, VLOOKUP, to identify how much organic traffic each 404 page has received.


To automate the removal of 404 errors we suggest making use of your .Htaccess file in your CMS. The initial setup is determining which page you would like to be the replacement for a 404 error page—translated into an excel document for your developers.
WARNING: An .htaccess file is an extremely sensitive file in your CMS. We highly recommend your IT department sign-off on any edits to an .htaccess file.
Mention redirect and .Htaccess file to your developers and they will understand what is required.


Continue to monitor your 404 errors using the above tools—Yoast SEO for WordPress, Google Webmaster Tools, and Screaming Frog—and keep performing the recommended steps in this post to maintain a happy and healthy site.


404 errors should be resolved on your website but keep in mind that 404 errors are not the END OF THE WORLD. There’s nothing wrong with developing a custom 404 error page that informs a visitor that “these things happen” online, but here is what we are doing to help you out! You might find that there is no other page on your site that is relevant to the 404 error page, in which you would redirect to the homepage as the default. Also, don’t waste your time needing to know or resolving soft 404 errors—they don’t matter.


Growth Hack your Content Marketing with Vincent Dignan

growth hack your content marketing

Dozens of students, fellow marketers and entrepreneurs took the opportunity to attend a FREE General Assembly Event, “Growth Hack your Content Marketing with Vincent Dignan” in the Seaport. Vincent, founder of the content writing and marketing company, Magnific, is a brilliant, eccentric and inspiring dude.

All of the content below are his ideas that I just needed to share with the World Wide Web.

Golden Rules of Content

  • Scannable
  • Repeatable
  • Predictable
  1. Know Your Audience (e.g., Mint’s blog is doing it right)
  2. Write Something People Want to Read
  3. Distribute It To Your Own Channels And Measure The Results
  4. Distribute It To Other Peoples Channels
  5. S.M.A.R.T Goals (Simple, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic….
  6. Learn The Basics on
  7. Don’t Sweat The Small Things On Day One
  8. Be A Mixture Of Mad Men (Take Risks!) And “Math Men” (Google Analytics,
  9. Pour More Resources Into The Ones That Work (e.g, blogger outreach/influencer reach)
  10. Rinse & Repeat (GET EYEBALLS first)

“For whatever industry, start by identifying the problems of the industry your writing for”[Tweet This]

How to Find Content Marketing Ideas

“Write the Damn Thing”

  • Choose between your personal brand vs business brand – pick one style and stick with it
  • Write Simple
  • No more than 25 words in a sentence
  • Keep paragraphs short for people’s short attention span

The Best Free Writing Editor: Hemingway Editor/App! Copy and paste your text into this editor and press submit. It will tell you if your sentences are hard to understand and how to simplify your reading.

Introduction to Destruction

  • Your introduction is the most important because it will determine if someone reads the article!
  • Open by starting right in the middle of an interesting story or give an amazing fact
  • Your content should make them forget what they are doing any HAVE to read.

Remember: Facebook is the ultimate distraction and is just ONE CLICK AWAY [Tweet This]

How to Craft an Amazing Body

  • Insert Great Graphics (learn Photoshop or pay for quality photos)
  • End on a High Note
  • Don’t Go Crazy with Links

How to Craft an Ending

At the end of every article, ask the reader to share it. (Why Not?) People love the feeling of sharing useful information to their network and to be known as super resourceful.

How to Get Your Content Seen

  • Hustle, Hustle, Hustle > Meet People in Real Life and build relationships
  • Get Active on Slack Communities??
  • Turn Your Talks Into Blog Post And Blog Posts Into Talks

Cool Content Marketing Tools (Free stock photos) (100s of sources of the person you’re going to meet with; good for meeting editors and journalists)
Email Hunter (find all the email addresses at company)
Voila Norbet (find anyone’s email address) (good for warm intro from friends) (attach a call-to-action for every link you share)
iEmoji (Lookup, Convert and Tweet with Emoji)
Reaction GIFs (gifs from youtube)
Similar Web (how many visits a website gets per month)

Social Media Tips

Be Aggressive. Ask influencers for shout-outs or pay influences for shout-outs
“Success in social media is 10% content you produce; 90% how you distribute”

  1. Get a Following
  2. Broadcast to Your Following
  3. Reap the Benefits
  4. Profit?

BIG TIP: DONT POST ABOUT YOURSELF (your readers do not care). Write about topics people will actually engage with.
It’s OK to steal content. Find a competitor’s article that performs well manually or using a content marketing tool, such as BuzzSumo (paid), Ahrefs (paid) or SEMRush (paid)

Tips for Instagram

  • Finding the ideal user is critical
  • Brand Awareness is better than Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat
  • Look at #hashtag followers use (e.g., niche hashtags)

Tips for Facebook

  • Your personal profile needs to be your public profile.
  • REMEMBER: No one ever leaves Facebook—from CEOs to interns.
  • People tend to reply on Facebook.
  • Facebook Loves: Embedded video (#1) > Text (#2) > Pictures (#3) > External Links (#4)
  • Getting 10 likes within the first 10 minutes improves changes of recency. To get likes as quickly as possible, tell your employees to like the post.
  • Big product launch? Release content at the same time by multiple people
  • Spend some money on Facebook Paid Advertising and target custom audiences
  • (Get as many highly-targeted leads as you like)

Recommendations for Twitter

  • Don’t use #hashtags
  • Tweet to five or six people every day who will love what you’re doing
  • Only retweet compliments
  • Tweet the same article 5 times
  • Pictures are most likely to be retweeted
  • TWEET MORE (50-100 times a day)
  • Audiense (formerly SocialBro)
  • Crowdfire/Tweepi (people general follow back)

Finding Twitter Influencers

Recommendations for Reddit

  • Don’t only share your articles; interact!
  • Find the content for all your social channels

Write 25 Headlines; Otherwise People Won’t Click Your Links

  • Track it with
  • Post the headline variations on Twitter (Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) –which go the most clicks? On Friday, pick the winner and run a paid post on Friday
  • Buffer (for timing tweets)

Reaching out to the Press

Share the performance of the individual article you are pitching to reports for social proof.

SEO Tools

Email Tools

Slideshare of the Presentation

HTML version of Vincent’s presentation slides

Share this article with someone you know in digital marketing or working at a startup!


Bookmark Fridays (#1)

“Bookmark Fridays” is a new series that I thought of after discovering I have accumulated 200+ chrome bookmarks over the past 4 years. These posts will help me rediscover great resources/articles I decided to bookmark and share them with my blog readers.

Muscle Wiki (Interactive)
Super-cool interactive visualization of a body that shows you content and instructional workout videos for the body part you just selected.

What Are Some Unethical Life Hacks?
Personal favorite of mine. You may have already done some of these–who knows??

How to Become Emotionally Attached to a Plant
Just Click This (not sure how I stumbled-upon this).

50 Things to Eat in Boston Before You Die
For the Bostoners – eat more food. Still need to try: Açai Bowl from Jugos

A Dozen Life-Changing Skills and How to Learn Them
  • How to Quit Something You Don’t Want To
  • How to End a Conversation
  • How to Make Small Talk
  • How to Master Fear of Rejection
  • How to Use Photoshop
  • How to Listen (Really Listen)
  • How to Speak in Front of People
  • How to Make Healthy Foods Delicious
  • How to Stop Living Passively and Set Goals

Who’s Line Is it Anyway? Top 10 Colin Mochrie Headlines from Weird Newscasters
If you’ve never heard of Who’s Line It Anyway? Watch This. 

Listen to A Cool Song (Teddybears ft. B.O.B – Get Mama a House)
This song was featured in my all-time favorite TV show, Chuck. It’s a super-upbeat song that has a great BPM for running or to get pumped-up before going out.

Free Stuff Things to Do

How to Survive A Dance Social (As A Beginner)

Everybody can dance. You’ve done it as a kid, in a bar with friends, or by yourself at home listening to your favorite tune. Besides its proven health benefits, social dancing is a great opportunity to learn a new skill while building confidence for everyday life. There are so many styles of dancing to choose from: You will never stop learning!

PRICE: Social dances can range between $5-$15. It all depends on whether there is a live band or DJ. One of the great things about social dancing is that drinking is not required. You will sweat so much that the beverage you will want is water. Save money by not purchasing alcohol on a Friday or Saturday night and avoid the battle of getting the bartenders attention.

Below is a video I recorded of an east coast swing (a.k.a. Lindy Hop) social dance at MIT’s Student Center; this social is free for both MIT Students and the public. More info at

Below is a video from Salsa in the Park in Boston. There is a FREE lesson from 6:00PM-6:30pm and social dancing until 9:00PM on Mondays in the Summer to practice what you learned!


The easy cop-out is to bring a friend with you to the social dance. It’s a cute date idea to learn together but you will not develop as fast by exclusively dancing with one person. I encourage you to dance with multiple people during social dancing–everyone has their own style. Dancing with one person will limit your range of moves or following techniques you need to learn in future social dances.


Have a red bull, caffeinated soda or (if you are 21+ years old) a few shots to get you hyped-up or calm your nerves. You may have your own rituals, so do what works for you to get ready.

Action: Head to Local Convenience Store —> Buy Beverage of Your Choice —> Drink Beverage —> Go Dancing


Whether you research basic moves before your lesson or new partner dance combinations, YouTube is an excellent resource to find free instructional videos—but there is no substitute for practicing with a partner!

Action: Visit > Search ‘[type of dance] [lesson/tutorial/tricks/tips] and start watching. Take mental notes and re-watch videos to nail down the basics before the beginner lesson.


To make your first few partner dancing experiences more fun, spend a few hours listening to the music of the style of dance you want to learn to get the rhythm and timing down.

Action: Search YouTube, Spotify, or Pandora for the genre of music and immerse yourself to understand the timing.


Most dance socials have a free beginner lesson that gets the beginner comfortable with the footwork. You will dance with many partners during the lesson, but this is a blessing while starting out. You will receive tips and tricks from experienced dancers looking to improve their technique.

I also recommend going to the lesson before the social because you can identify the beginner dancers to practice with after the lesson. Once the lesson ends, the room gets darker and the experienced social dancers will be mixed with your peers from the beginner lesson.

Action: Go to the Lesson > Learn the Basics with Friendly Strangers > Keep Dancing with Strangers


It’s not easy to recommend “stop being self-conscious” but I thought I should remind you. It’s natural to be nervous in front of an unfamiliar crowd, doing an activity you have never done before. We’re all guilty of having these feeling but there’s so much to gain by dancing.

Action: Be yourself, act silly, stop saying “sorry” while dancing and have fun!


Note: This recommendation more for beginner leaders. 
Dances are 3-5 minutes in length before you move onto the next partner. You have a limited mental database of dance moves and might need to use a valuable strategy: conversation.  If you happen to be dancing with an experienced person, you need something to kill time. I’m not discouraging learning to dance, but if you encounter the feeling of dancing with an experienced dancer you find attractive, you will thank me later.

Action: Google Conversation Starters. Generic examples: How long have you been dancing? Do you do any other types of dances? Any recommendations for a beginner?


As a beginner social dancer, you might not have the confidence to ask someone to the dance floor. (You’re going to get better with practice!). Depending on the type of music, social dances are fast in nature. As a beginner, I’ve learned that someone who is older tends to be slower and will let you practice your beginner dance moves.

Action: See above recommendation.

Which Social Dance Should You attend?

  1. The music you enjoy listening to the most or the music you are the most curious about.
  2. The type of dance your friends frequent the most (accountability!).
  3. Most popular social dancing events in your city or town.
  4. Most Popular Dances in the U.S. [See Table]
Keyword Monthly Google Searches
how to swing dance 2400
how to salsa dance 2400
how to line dance 1900
how to bachata 480
how to latin dance 90
how to west coast swing 70
how to east coast swing 40
how to blues dance 40


Ultimately, there was a reason you spent time in your life to attend a dance social. You are there to have fun, escape the stresses of life and be part of a great community. All these recommendations may not apply to you, but I do hope you keep them in mind. Do whatever works for you to get on the dance floor and have fun!